Okay, so this [title] is going to be my new mantra. Remember when I started this blog it was
"Wabi Sabi":
nothing's perfect.
nothing lasts.
nothing's finished.
That still applies for sure. Pretty much every day, even every hour of every day, in my life. And I'm pretty good with that. Maybe that comes with middle age...it's actually quite freeing to live with that philosophy of sorts grounding all that goes on in the routine of everyday life.
Anyhow, a year and half later, only a few blog posts for the New Year, after my declared Resolution to write more and more often...I'm going with this now: "Just Keep Writing, Just Keep Writing..."
It's fun to say if you use a "Dory" voice like Ellen did in "Nemo" (that version was "just keep swimming").
Here's what I'm learning more and more...writing is hard. It's really that simple. It's hard. But to get better at it, you have to do it. Even if what you write initially is total crap. Even if you have to edit and edit and edit and edit and edit (...you get the idea). Someone famous said, if you ask me to write something and give me a week, it'll be 4 pages. Give me another week, it'll be 2. Another week, 1. Another week, 2 solid, tightly-constructed paragraphs. (I really think someone famous said this or something very much like it...if they didn't, someone should because it is soooo true!) That's the nature of writing. So if I'm going to try to write. And write better. And more. And then even better. Etc. I have to just write. Right?! So, this blog ought to be a way to do that. But what I think I'm coming around to realize is that in addition to writing being hard, just as simple as that is, it's even more so because those who do it, or try it, have to deal with that space between the ears that screams doubts and guffaws and ridicule over and over again. That's what keeps one from writing. That it isn't good enough, clever enough, smart enough, witty enough, relevant enough...and on and on. And when you're stuck in and with all of that, you just stop. Stop writing. And then you're back where you started. Can't make something better if there's nothing to critique...it's a vicious circle of the worst and most pernicious kind.
So, here I go again, acknowledging that writing is hard. Nothing super revelatory about that. But also re-committing to the plan to write. And I'm going to goad myself forward with "just keep writing, just keep writing!" Hope you'll come along for the ride!
I should say, this is part of what's interesting about this writing thing too...it's not that I haven't had some things to say. I started a piece back when all the news broke about Lance Armstrong and the Notre Dame football player (Manti Te'o...not even sure I'm spelling that right now) and abandoned it. Another about some personal news and what it is to have your life's balance knocked askew...Another about gun control (probably better I let that go!!)...why didn't they make it in this little corner of the blogosphere? I think because I didn't think any of them were good, or fully coherent, or ever, ever finished. And by the time I'd gone back several times on each, the issues seemed past...maybe that was more of that space between my ears holding me back...
So, I'm resolved to write more. More and more regularly. Here's to hoping! And who knows, maybe I'll take up those lapsed topics just as much as newer ones. Regardless of what might find its way here, I'm re-resolved. (Can you be re-resolved?!) We'll see...
Until next time (hopefully sooner than later), Blessings and Light ~