Friday, June 28, 2019

A Return - Chronicles of Our July Adventure

Hi, Friends and Family!

I have not written for 5 years. Can't believe it's been that long. I think this blogging thing just has not turned-out to be for me so much. But, as many of you know, we are about to embark on an adventure of the grandest design...our family is traveling to the U.K. and Europe for a month! Clark is calling it the trip of a lifetime and a real odyssey, like nothing we've ever done.

I thought I might try my hand at a post a day (maybe?!) - we'll see if I am able to do so - to chronicle our adventures. If you're inclined to see what we're up to, what we see and enjoy, have a look.

Hope your July is as FUN as ours surely will prove to be! We head-out Tuesday (7/2). First stop, London. So, here's to strawberries and cream, tea and biscuits, the crown jewels, and perhaps cooler weather than here. Time to pack now, and be prepared for last Sunday before we leave, so that's it for now.

Au revoir, Auf wiedersehen, and Cheerio ~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not sure what time your flight is, but try not to go to sleep until evening, it helps to fight jet worked for us on our flight to and from Portugal this past May. Have a great time!!
