Closing Out Our European Adventure, Summer 2019...
- 30 Days
- 6 Countries
- 8 Airports
- 5 Planes
- 23 Cities/Towns
- 9 Places of Accommodations
- 27 Train Stations
- 26 Train Rides
- 13 Trams
- 10 Taxis
- 7 Cars
- 7 Buses
- 6 Shuttle Buses
- 6 Subways
- 6 Highway Tolls
- 4 Gondolas (Cable Cars)
- 2 Boat Rides
- 7 Castles
- 7 Palaces
- 12 Churches/Cathedrals
- 16 Museums
- 41 Souvenir Magnets - we bought magnets everywhere we visited.
- 2500+ Photos Taken! YES - 2500+ !
- Seeing 3 families of wonderful friends - 2 in England and 1 in Germany: THANK YOU Meachams, Wests, and Reads so very much for your hospitality, fun, care, and love!! It was fabulous. Your turn to visit us, now!!
- We took a boat ride on the Thames, dipped our feet in the English Channel, played in the North Sea in Scotland, enjoyed the incredible beach of the Mediterranean Sea at Cassis in the South of France, toured Geneva via boat on Lake Geneva, and swam in the Danube River in Vienna.
- Our thanks go to many, many people for helping to make this trip possible. With your generosity and support, we were able to have an adventure that has changed our lives. Seeing the incredible wonder of our world is priceless and a real treasure for us all! Thank you to DD and PopPop (my parents), Don Bradway (traveler extraordinaire - who shared his expertise for planning this trip with me), Deb Meacham (who helped me in buying tickets for flights, trains, etc!), Hilton Presbyterian Church - whose generosity absolutely astounded us and made so much possible!, Sara and David Coxe - who kept our car, picked us up, and let us stay when we returned, and all those cheering us on and supporting us throughout the planning and actual adventure!
So glad that this adventure was everything you dreamed and more. HPC is not just Clark’s church - We are your family! Most could never do this in a lifetime, less a summer. But hey... he was long overdue for a sabbatical, right? Had to make up for lost time... 😉 Thanks for blogging and posting all those fabulous pics so we could keep up with your travels!